Know Your Cannabis: Inhalation

There are many ways to experience the benefits of cannabis, often called the methods of consumption. The most common method of cannabis consumption is inhalation. Inhalation is defined as breathing in cannabis smoke or vapor from a heated source. Inhalation is associated with flower and concentrates because they need heat to activate THCA into THC.

Inhalation is popular because of the quick onset time. The onset is generally 1 to 15 minutes following the first inhalation. Effects can last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours, but this will vary based on the product and the method of inhalation.

There are a different methods for inhalation, depending on the product. Flower can be ground and rolled in rolling papers or a pre-made cone to create a joint. Flower can be smoked through a variety of pipes as well. A chillum is a small hand pipe with a front-loaded bowl and no carb. Hand pipes are typically made of glass. Most feature a bowl to load the cannabis in and a carb, which is a small hole to help clear the pipe. Water pipes, also referred to as bongs or bubblers, use water to help lower the temperature of the smoke and filter out particles.

Much like flower, there are many different ways to heat concentrates for inhalation. A nectar collector is a straight pipe that is heated with a blow torch to vaporize concentrates. Dab Rigs are similar to a water pipe but used specifically for concentrates. Usually accompanied by a “nail” or “banger,” which is heated by a blow torch to reach the correct temperature for vaporization. Vaporizers, which include a tabletop vaporizer and concentrate pen, are another popular method of consuming concentrates. Vape carts and disposable vape pens found at dispensaries rely on a battery to heat the oil into a vapor.

Want to learn more about the different methods of cannabis consumption? Speak with one of our knowledgeable advisors in store or check out the virtual Know Your Cannabis Classes!


Know Your Cannabis: Ingestion


Know Your Cannabis: Pinene